
Showing posts from March, 2022

Why economy falling but stock market rising?

  STOCK MARKET AND ECONOMY As you can see, between April to July last year, while the economy was falling, the stock market was rising. It’s due to two reasons. First, the stock market isn’t about the entire economy. Paul Krugman, a Nobel-Prize-winning economist, suggests that the stock market is about one piece of the economy i.e., corporate profits. The second reason: the nature of the stock market and economy are different. The stock markets are forward-looking and look towards the future. Whenever someone invests in the stock market, they think about the future of the corporates. Several investors in India believe that once the vaccine is readily available and when the lockdown lifts, the corporate lifts, the corporate profits will recover. However, the economic indicators are backward-looking. As the GDP data tells us that what happened in the previous quarter or year. So, the stock markets are  forward-looking, while the econom...


What is pride? If not the smiling eyes of the crusaders of change, when they turn from victims to actual space sharers, takers, and givers. pride never means to feel alone in a sea of injustice, pride means to share the burdens of your conscience with someone who needs to feel like they are not alone, what is pride if not the colors in your skin, not just the colors in a crowd being peeked. What is pride if not my ability to try and rhyme but always fail, but to never give up, to never give up, for pride isn’t in my name, or yours, but its alive when we take our names together, a million names together to break the loopholes society thought right, but who defines right or rights, who has the right to tell the right from wrong, black from white, color from discoloring, straight from homosexual, love from hate, life from death, right from rights, beauty from who are we to decide how our citizens will lead their lives, who are we to question their choices, in the name of law, and doesn’...